OPO EVENTS: Announcing the Best Practices Summit Zoom Session for Hospital Development and Hospital Services on May 21, 2020!

COVID-19 has had some very dramatic effects on us all this year, and we’ve been hearing from our friends in the OPO industry all over the country how responding to the changes in hospitals and the broader healthcare world has been a major challenge that’s required many creative solutions.

While we know that many OPOs have been participating in sessions designed to help them share ideas, we also know that it is difficult to really, truly collaborate right now, and we thought we would take the opportunity to engage our Best Practices Summit community to get together and discuss what they’re doing together.

So, we would like to invite OPO professionals to participate in a Best Practices Zoom-Based Summit on Thursday, May 21 from 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM Central Time.

We’re inviting Hospital Development and Hospital Services professionals from all over the industry to join us. We will be devoting the first hour to inviting our attendees to share 5-minute lessons learned during the large group, and then we will break everyone into small, moderated discussion groups to talk in more detail about how they have been adapting and what needs are anticipated going forward. It’s going to be a very engaging and collaborative session, and we’re hopeful you’ll end the meeting with a lot of wonderful new perspectives and ideas.

This Summit is completely free – there is no fee to participate. For those who cannot attend, we will record the large group portions and make them available to everyone on https://opo.researchplan.com following the Summit.

Because space is somewhat limited, we’re asking all attendees to sign up. You can do so at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuduutrTwvH9Xi69m0ISLpj9GzrPyaUsHA

All of the details can also be found at: https://bestpractices.researchplan.com/index.php/hospital-development-and-hospital-services-summit/

We’re really excited to have many people from across the country join us – it’s going to be a wonderful experience!

(If you register, please also feel free to invite your colleagues at your own OPO or around the industry. The more participants we have, the more ideas we’ll have to share!)